Lately I've been spending a lot of money and I mean a LOT. I went on a little spending spree and ended up buying the Fruits Basket DVD box set that I've wanted for sooo long, a UFO catcher plush Tohru, and a whole ton of manga.
Recently, the new VIS shoujo manga anthology, "Shoujo Beat", was released. I must say I was quite pleased with it. I felt like I was reading a regular "phone book" magazine only in english. It even came with furoku! A Ultra Maniac DVD episode and a Ultra maniac mini manga preview booklet. The DVD was particularily interesting to me since I got to hear the english voice actors. Overall it wasn't absolutely terrible but it wasn't all that great either. Some voices were a bit over done and some not in character at all. It was still fun though to be able to watch an episode since I probably won't be buying the DVD's. Anyway, on to the manga... There were five stories in the magazine: Nana, Zettai Kareshi, Baby & Me, Crimson Hero, Godchild, and Kaze Hikaru. Obviously I enjoyed Zettai Kareshi since it is one of my favourite manga's but I also found I very much enjoyed the others as well. I have to say that Nana, Crimson Hero were second for me followed by Baby & Me, Godchild and then Kaze Hikaru (which I really didn't enjoy all that much). I'll definitely be getting the next installment when it is released in a couple of weeks, though I may run out of money once all the new VIS manga is released... Meruperi, Ultra Maniac, and Fullmoon wo Sagashite. Not to mention all the other manga release... I'd better get a job.
OK so as promised (though I'm sure no one really cares)... drumroll... July Ribon!!

This issue came with a ton of furoku: a Starblacks summer plastic beach bag, Shinshi Doumei Cross punch out little rocking container, a sticker sheet, set of six postcards, and an extra story by Haruta Nana. Last issue contained the final chapter of Saboten no Himitsu (Haruta Nana wrote the story) so alas no new Haruta story this issue (just the one shot extra story which was quite cute). Her new story called Love Berrish will start in the September Ribon so I'll be looking forward to that. I think that's all I really have to say about this issue so I'll end this entry here.
Lately I've been spending a lot of money and I mean a LOT. I went on a little spending spree and ended up buying the Fruits Basket DVD box set that I've wanted for sooo long, a UFO catcher plush Tohru, and a whole ton of manga.
Recently, the new VIS shoujo manga anthology, "Shoujo Beat", was released. I must say I was quite pleased with it. I felt like I was reading a regular "phone book" magazine only in english. It even came with furoku! A Ultra Maniac DVD episode and a Ultra maniac mini manga preview booklet. The DVD was particularily interesting to me since I got to hear the english voice actors. Overall it wasn't absolutely terrible but it wasn't all that great either. Some voices were a bit over done and some not in character at all. It was still fun though to be able to watch an episode since I probably won't be buying the DVD's. Anyway, on to the manga... There were five stories in the magazine: Nana, Zettai Kareshi, Baby & Me, Crimson Hero, Godchild, and Kaze Hikaru. Obviously I enjoyed Zettai Kareshi since it is one of my favourite manga's but I also found I very much enjoyed the others as well. I have to say that Nana, Crimson Hero were second for me followed by Baby & Me, Godchild and then Kaze Hikaru (which I really didn't enjoy all that much). I'll definitely be getting the next installment when it is released in a couple of weeks, though I may run out of money once all the new VIS manga is released... Meruperi, Ultra Maniac, and Fullmoon wo Sagashite. Not to mention all the other manga release... I'd better get a job.
OK so as promised (though I'm sure no one really cares)... drumroll... July Ribon!!

This issue came with a ton of furoku: a Starblacks summer plastic beach bag, Shinshi Doumei Cross punch out little rocking container, a sticker sheet, set of six postcards, and an extra story by Haruta Nana. Last issue contained the final chapter of Saboten no Himitsu (Haruta Nana wrote the story) so alas no new Haruta story this issue (just the one shot extra story which was quite cute). Her new story called Love Berrish will start in the September Ribon so I'll be looking forward to that. I think that's all I really have to say about this issue so I'll end this entry here.
Posted by *marla* at 9:45 p.m. |