OK once again I've slacked off and haven't written in a very long time so I'll start way back at last Saturday. My parents and I made our traditional annual visit to the EX which was quite good though over the years it seems like more an more buildings are closing... plus I wasn't too happy that I didn't get to see any horses. It's really just becoming all about making money and less about being an exhibition. This obviously saddens me greatly but what can you do. I did however, get myself a cute plush Elmo which I won at the birthday game... only cost me 2 dollars yay! I may go again with some friends but who knows... I think it closes this weekend so we don't have a lot of time left.
I started the Forensic Archeology feild school last Monday. Originally the days were supposed to be from 9 to 4pm but of course that good old Palermo curse kicked in and they were extended to 5pm... which usually turns in to 6pm yay what luck! Anyway, the first couple days we were in the class room learning procedures but at the end of the second day we got to do some reconnaisance and decided where we wanted to search (we were given case details btw). Our team (Christie, Lara, Nicki, Tricia and I), now named "Forward Hos" choose to create a safe zone through the forest and search a meadow that you really couldn't see from a path through the forest. We started searching on Friday and basically just made it to the meadow and searched a bit of it. Basically we found a lot of garbage in the forest, though Nicki did find one bone. I found a rib in the meadow and that was basically it for Friday. This morning I was in charge or documentation, photography and collecting evidence... jeez what a job. We had to cut it down to one person doing that stuff cuz the meadow turned out to be a lot larger then expected. We've covered about half of the second meadow we are search and have found a ton of ribs... this was a major quest though because the meadow has really high grass and it's a protected deer santuary so you can't cut it or pull it out... Speaking of deer, a really cute one walked right into our search area and looked at us... aww it was adorable.... anyway... we're getting a few more days to search so hopefully we'll get through most of the area.
This past Saturday I went to my second cousin's wedding. It was in this really nice builing on CNE grouds (don't ask me why they would do that during the EX). We got vallet parking though so it was all good. The food was actually moderately decent, I opted out of the antipasto which was some weird kinda salad and stole some of Jackie's children's meal cheese sticks (we all wanted her food). The next dish was some kind of flat thin noodle type pasta in a rose sause with salmon. I don't particularily like fish but this wasn't too bad. After that we had chicken on a bed of risoto with seasonal vegetables and for dessert we had some kind of raspberry chocolate mouse case... ah it was good. After dinner there were some speaches and dancing but my brother and I left early cuz our cousins left with the babies and Mike wanted to go to the pheonix. By the time I dropped Mike off and got home though it was almost 2am. It was a nice wedding...
I finished watching Cardcaptor Sakura but seeing as how I've already written a lot today I'll save my comments on it... plus I have some pictures to upload. But speaking of Cardcaptors... last night I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I found the book of Clow at the library but it wasn't like the one in the anime. It was old and really beaten up (and I think the front cover was missing). It was all written in English and inside were clow cards. They also weren't like the ones in the anime. They were longer, thinner, not in colour and on the back of them they had writting inside of a magic circle. Also they were numbered and when I went through them I noticed they were not all there. They went up to 81 and some were character cards >> Li was on one. Anyway, I figured they were lost and I'd never be able to find them (didn't at this point believe they were magical in anyway). As time went on though I think one of them disappeared so I started thinking that maybe this was the work of the erase card hehehe. So I said some kinda of incantation (like Sakura says) and I bunch of cards appeared (it was really kool), the last card to appear was the card that caused them to disappear though it wasn't the erase card (don't know what card it was though). Oh by the way, I did all this without a magical staff.. that's right, I'm so great I don't even need one lol. When I looked at the new cards and the numbers on them I realized that I got maybe about six more (so there is a ton more to find). The numbers on the cards were really weird though >> 10&, 10&11, 11 so there are numbers between numbers which means more than double the cards to find... no worries though, I have plenty of nights to dream. Hopefully I'll have a continuation dream of this. It was super fun... I guess I'm Cardcaptor Marla now hehehe... nead to get some cute outfits in my dreams...
OK once again I've slacked off and haven't written in a very long time so I'll start way back at last Saturday. My parents and I made our traditional annual visit to the EX which was quite good though over the years it seems like more an more buildings are closing... plus I wasn't too happy that I didn't get to see any horses. It's really just becoming all about making money and less about being an exhibition. This obviously saddens me greatly but what can you do. I did however, get myself a cute plush Elmo which I won at the birthday game... only cost me 2 dollars yay! I may go again with some friends but who knows... I think it closes this weekend so we don't have a lot of time left.
I started the Forensic Archeology feild school last Monday. Originally the days were supposed to be from 9 to 4pm but of course that good old Palermo curse kicked in and they were extended to 5pm... which usually turns in to 6pm yay what luck! Anyway, the first couple days we were in the class room learning procedures but at the end of the second day we got to do some reconnaisance and decided where we wanted to search (we were given case details btw). Our team (Christie, Lara, Nicki, Tricia and I), now named "Forward Hos" choose to create a safe zone through the forest and search a meadow that you really couldn't see from a path through the forest. We started searching on Friday and basically just made it to the meadow and searched a bit of it. Basically we found a lot of garbage in the forest, though Nicki did find one bone. I found a rib in the meadow and that was basically it for Friday. This morning I was in charge or documentation, photography and collecting evidence... jeez what a job. We had to cut it down to one person doing that stuff cuz the meadow turned out to be a lot larger then expected. We've covered about half of the second meadow we are search and have found a ton of ribs... this was a major quest though because the meadow has really high grass and it's a protected deer santuary so you can't cut it or pull it out... Speaking of deer, a really cute one walked right into our search area and looked at us... aww it was adorable.... anyway... we're getting a few more days to search so hopefully we'll get through most of the area.
This past Saturday I went to my second cousin's wedding. It was in this really nice builing on CNE grouds (don't ask me why they would do that during the EX). We got vallet parking though so it was all good. The food was actually moderately decent, I opted out of the antipasto which was some weird kinda salad and stole some of Jackie's children's meal cheese sticks (we all wanted her food). The next dish was some kind of flat thin noodle type pasta in a rose sause with salmon. I don't particularily like fish but this wasn't too bad. After that we had chicken on a bed of risoto with seasonal vegetables and for dessert we had some kind of raspberry chocolate mouse case... ah it was good. After dinner there were some speaches and dancing but my brother and I left early cuz our cousins left with the babies and Mike wanted to go to the pheonix. By the time I dropped Mike off and got home though it was almost 2am. It was a nice wedding...
I finished watching Cardcaptor Sakura but seeing as how I've already written a lot today I'll save my comments on it... plus I have some pictures to upload. But speaking of Cardcaptors... last night I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that I found the book of Clow at the library but it wasn't like the one in the anime. It was old and really beaten up (and I think the front cover was missing). It was all written in English and inside were clow cards. They also weren't like the ones in the anime. They were longer, thinner, not in colour and on the back of them they had writting inside of a magic circle. Also they were numbered and when I went through them I noticed they were not all there. They went up to 81 and some were character cards >> Li was on one. Anyway, I figured they were lost and I'd never be able to find them (didn't at this point believe they were magical in anyway). As time went on though I think one of them disappeared so I started thinking that maybe this was the work of the erase card hehehe. So I said some kinda of incantation (like Sakura says) and I bunch of cards appeared (it was really kool), the last card to appear was the card that caused them to disappear though it wasn't the erase card (don't know what card it was though). Oh by the way, I did all this without a magical staff.. that's right, I'm so great I don't even need one lol. When I looked at the new cards and the numbers on them I realized that I got maybe about six more (so there is a ton more to find). The numbers on the cards were really weird though >> 10&, 10&11, 11 so there are numbers between numbers which means more than double the cards to find... no worries though, I have plenty of nights to dream. Hopefully I'll have a continuation dream of this. It was super fun... I guess I'm Cardcaptor Marla now hehehe... nead to get some cute outfits in my dreams...
Posted by *marla* at 6:04 p.m. |
Yesterday the house placements for rez were finally posted. I'll be living in Putnam Place again this year with Lara, Christie and Rachel so it looks like non of our nightmares came true *sigh of relief*. We're all together and we're not in phase one. I went over to UTM yesterday to check out the house and to pick up my book for class next week (the book cost $100 *tear* why do they do this to me...). The house looked pretty decent. It's the flipped version of our house last year and it's on the opposite side of the row. I looked in the windows and yay we have a new fridge!!!... finally. I'm in room D again but I'm not sure whether it will be at the front of back out the house. I've never had a front window so having one would be pretty nice, however, there appears to be a street light in front of our house so that could be a potential problem for a front room. But anyway...
After dropping by UTM I decided to check out the Goodwill on Burnhamthorp (is that how spell it?). They renovated a bit and added a new section to the store. I guess they got in a lot of stuff to fill it up and lucky for me I found a 1988 copy of The Last Unicorn and 2 choose your own adventure books!! Ah I was sooo happy, my collection is growing bit by bit. If anyone has any choose your own adventure books that you don't want... I want them hahaha so hand them over!! No but seriously I am looking for them and am more then willing to pay. Don't know what they are? Check out THIS WEBSITE. I'd actually be interested in any game books, so if ya got them let me know.
I finally finished watching the first season of Cardcaptor Sakura plus the first movie. There's really nothing bad I can say about this anime, it's absolutely great. The storyline is really interesting and never seems to bore me even though I've read the manga. The characters are fabulous and Meilin who wasn't even in the manga fits it perfectly... I just love the way she says Shaoran's name. What I love the best about this anime is that they are always wearing different clothing... even hair styles change! This is quite a rare and surprisingly pleasant occurance in anime. Usually characters are drawn in the same clothing with the same hair style... even characters on Passions don't change their clothes this much! Anyway here's my most favourite Li picture from the first season.

I can't remember what episode this was from but I know it was one of the early ones. Sakura had given Yukito a present and not wanting to be left out Li gives him one too. Doesn't he look really cute in this picture?
Yesterday the house placements for rez were finally posted. I'll be living in Putnam Place again this year with Lara, Christie and Rachel so it looks like non of our nightmares came true *sigh of relief*. We're all together and we're not in phase one. I went over to UTM yesterday to check out the house and to pick up my book for class next week (the book cost $100 *tear* why do they do this to me...). The house looked pretty decent. It's the flipped version of our house last year and it's on the opposite side of the row. I looked in the windows and yay we have a new fridge!!!... finally. I'm in room D again but I'm not sure whether it will be at the front of back out the house. I've never had a front window so having one would be pretty nice, however, there appears to be a street light in front of our house so that could be a potential problem for a front room. But anyway...
After dropping by UTM I decided to check out the Goodwill on Burnhamthorp (is that how spell it?). They renovated a bit and added a new section to the store. I guess they got in a lot of stuff to fill it up and lucky for me I found a 1988 copy of The Last Unicorn and 2 choose your own adventure books!! Ah I was sooo happy, my collection is growing bit by bit. If anyone has any choose your own adventure books that you don't want... I want them hahaha so hand them over!! No but seriously I am looking for them and am more then willing to pay. Don't know what they are? Check out THIS WEBSITE. I'd actually be interested in any game books, so if ya got them let me know.
I finally finished watching the first season of Cardcaptor Sakura plus the first movie. There's really nothing bad I can say about this anime, it's absolutely great. The storyline is really interesting and never seems to bore me even though I've read the manga. The characters are fabulous and Meilin who wasn't even in the manga fits it perfectly... I just love the way she says Shaoran's name. What I love the best about this anime is that they are always wearing different clothing... even hair styles change! This is quite a rare and surprisingly pleasant occurance in anime. Usually characters are drawn in the same clothing with the same hair style... even characters on Passions don't change their clothes this much! Anyway here's my most favourite Li picture from the first season.
I can't remember what episode this was from but I know it was one of the early ones. Sakura had given Yukito a present and not wanting to be left out Li gives him one too. Doesn't he look really cute in this picture?
Posted by *marla* at 11:24 p.m. |
I took a trip over to Pacific Mall today to get some back to school goodies for my walls. Ah I got the nicest stuff I'm soooo happy. I absolutely love that mall they have a ton of really kool stuff, plus the clothes there is really awsome. If I had more money I'd definitely go on a huge shopping spree but alas I must concerve. Anyway I got around six small posters and one wall scroll. The posters were $2 each >> if you click HERE you can see my favourite ones. One is a Tsubasa poster... ah those boys are lookin nice... and the other is a Full Moon poster of Mitsuki and Eichi... aww don't they look cute together? The wall scroll I got only cost $5 and there was no tax on it! I don't think it's a regular wallscroll... it's a bit smaller I think and I don't think it's Japan made, but it's still super nice and for 5 bucks you can't go wrong. Anyway you can see a picture of it HERE, it's Sakura and Shaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura. I think they look adorable together. Anyway, finally got some more Mermaid Melody episodes so I'm off to watch that now.
I took a trip over to Pacific Mall today to get some back to school goodies for my walls. Ah I got the nicest stuff I'm soooo happy. I absolutely love that mall they have a ton of really kool stuff, plus the clothes there is really awsome. If I had more money I'd definitely go on a huge shopping spree but alas I must concerve. Anyway I got around six small posters and one wall scroll. The posters were $2 each >> if you click HERE you can see my favourite ones. One is a Tsubasa poster... ah those boys are lookin nice... and the other is a Full Moon poster of Mitsuki and Eichi... aww don't they look cute together? The wall scroll I got only cost $5 and there was no tax on it! I don't think it's a regular wallscroll... it's a bit smaller I think and I don't think it's Japan made, but it's still super nice and for 5 bucks you can't go wrong. Anyway you can see a picture of it HERE, it's Sakura and Shaoran from Cardcaptor Sakura. I think they look adorable together. Anyway, finally got some more Mermaid Melody episodes so I'm off to watch that now.
Posted by *marla* at 6:33 p.m. |
Yay I've officially been writting this crap for one whole year... Yup that's right, today is my one year blogging anniversary. Don't believe me? Check out the date on my first post. Guess what else today is the one year anniversary of? Yup that's right my wedding... j/k ya right! No but seriously, today is also the one year anniversary of the big blackout. Remember that? How could you not? It was amazing, it was the first time I'd ever seen so many stars over Toronto. I'm super glad it only lasted a day here. Some areas didn't get power back as fast as we did... Anyway this is all in the past. Hmm what else do I have to report? Oh ya...
Last night Christina, Lisa, Iris, Tania and I all went over to Janine's house for a movie night. It was supposed to be a combo of "retro movie" night and "a blast from our teenage past" movie night. We only got through the retro movie though since we spent the rest of the night talking. We had a TON of junk food and I mean a TON, prolly the most we've had to date on a movie night but of course there were more of us this time. We watched Mystic Pizza, which I though was ok but I probably wouldn't watch it again. Anyway Christina's gone out east for a while now and Janine's off to England tomorrow so we won't all be together for a while... prolly not till Stratford. Kay well I think that's it for now.
Yay I've officially been writting this crap for one whole year... Yup that's right, today is my one year blogging anniversary. Don't believe me? Check out the date on my first post. Guess what else today is the one year anniversary of? Yup that's right my wedding... j/k ya right! No but seriously, today is also the one year anniversary of the big blackout. Remember that? How could you not? It was amazing, it was the first time I'd ever seen so many stars over Toronto. I'm super glad it only lasted a day here. Some areas didn't get power back as fast as we did... Anyway this is all in the past. Hmm what else do I have to report? Oh ya...
Last night Christina, Lisa, Iris, Tania and I all went over to Janine's house for a movie night. It was supposed to be a combo of "retro movie" night and "a blast from our teenage past" movie night. We only got through the retro movie though since we spent the rest of the night talking. We had a TON of junk food and I mean a TON, prolly the most we've had to date on a movie night but of course there were more of us this time. We watched Mystic Pizza, which I though was ok but I probably wouldn't watch it again. Anyway Christina's gone out east for a while now and Janine's off to England tomorrow so we won't all be together for a while... prolly not till Stratford. Kay well I think that's it for now.
Posted by *marla* at 4:46 p.m. |
OK well I haven't written in this for a while so I've got quite a bit to say *inhale* here goes...
I guess I'll start with last weekend... Last Saturday night we all went out as a kind of goodbye (for now) to Tania. She's going into the hospital on Monday fro surgery on her jaw so she'll be there for a while. I think there was around 10 of us that went to a little bar downtown called the Orbit Room. It's really cute, there was a live band too. We basically just sat around, talked and had a few drinks so it was a really nice night... for more reasons then that... hehehe *blush*... Didn't get home and in bed till 4am but I was up early Sunday to hit the gym. Yup that's right I finally made my way back there. I lost my membership card, don't know where but they gave me another one. I've only got 4 more trips left so I figure I'll go again this weekend. I wanna use up all my sessions before school starts since I'll probably just be using the gym there.
Monday night my mom wanted to get out of the house so she dragged me to a movie. We went to see The Village... wow it was super bad. This didn't really surprise me though because it is by the same people that did The Sixth Sense and Signs.. both of which I thought sucked. Anyway there's a "big twist" in this movie, which I personally think is really dumb. It honestly would have been better if there was no twist at all. I thought it was gonna be a scary movie but it just sucked. OK enough of that.
Tonight was my last class for ethics and the law... thank goodness. I don't think I could have taken much more of it. We had to write an in class essay worth 40% but we were given the topics ahead of time and we were allowed one sheet of notes so it wasn't all that bad. I just hope I do alright... wanna maintain my gpg. After our test Lara and I went to Demtre's to celebrate. I got a waffle Tounge Depressor (what else is new), ah it was sooo good. I was super hungry too, feeling a little sick now but it was totally worth it.
I started reading a new manga >> Love Monster >> it starts off a bit ecchi but it actually gets really good and now I'm totally hooked (what else is new). Basically it's about this girl who fails her high school entrance exams but it accepted into a private school. Once she gets there however, she learns that it's a school for monsters. Throw in a bunch of hot guys and you have the number one rated manga on shoujomagics site... I still think Zettai Kareshi is the best though... only rated number two.
Well just when I thought Passions couldn't get any better is surprises the crap out of my. Wow today's episode was crazy. Alister finally tells Julian that Chad is his son (Fox overhears this), Whitney learns she is pregnant (with her brothers baby), Teressa find out she is having twins, Liz tells TC Eve was driving the car that ruined his tennis career, and a temple falls on Luis (the guy is immortal so I doubt he's dead)... damn it's good.
Tommorow I'm going to the doctors for a check up, I haven't been there in many many years. The last time I went I was totally traumatized but getting a doctor in Toronto and anywhere really is super hard so you have to hold on to the one you have... which translates into check-ups for me *tear*... it probably won't be all that bad, plus I'm sure it'll be good to make sure I'm not dying hehehe...
OK well I haven't written in this for a while so I've got quite a bit to say *inhale* here goes...
I guess I'll start with last weekend... Last Saturday night we all went out as a kind of goodbye (for now) to Tania. She's going into the hospital on Monday fro surgery on her jaw so she'll be there for a while. I think there was around 10 of us that went to a little bar downtown called the Orbit Room. It's really cute, there was a live band too. We basically just sat around, talked and had a few drinks so it was a really nice night... for more reasons then that... hehehe *blush*... Didn't get home and in bed till 4am but I was up early Sunday to hit the gym. Yup that's right I finally made my way back there. I lost my membership card, don't know where but they gave me another one. I've only got 4 more trips left so I figure I'll go again this weekend. I wanna use up all my sessions before school starts since I'll probably just be using the gym there.
Monday night my mom wanted to get out of the house so she dragged me to a movie. We went to see The Village... wow it was super bad. This didn't really surprise me though because it is by the same people that did The Sixth Sense and Signs.. both of which I thought sucked. Anyway there's a "big twist" in this movie, which I personally think is really dumb. It honestly would have been better if there was no twist at all. I thought it was gonna be a scary movie but it just sucked. OK enough of that.
Tonight was my last class for ethics and the law... thank goodness. I don't think I could have taken much more of it. We had to write an in class essay worth 40% but we were given the topics ahead of time and we were allowed one sheet of notes so it wasn't all that bad. I just hope I do alright... wanna maintain my gpg. After our test Lara and I went to Demtre's to celebrate. I got a waffle Tounge Depressor (what else is new), ah it was sooo good. I was super hungry too, feeling a little sick now but it was totally worth it.
I started reading a new manga >> Love Monster >> it starts off a bit ecchi but it actually gets really good and now I'm totally hooked (what else is new). Basically it's about this girl who fails her high school entrance exams but it accepted into a private school. Once she gets there however, she learns that it's a school for monsters. Throw in a bunch of hot guys and you have the number one rated manga on shoujomagics site... I still think Zettai Kareshi is the best though... only rated number two.
Well just when I thought Passions couldn't get any better is surprises the crap out of my. Wow today's episode was crazy. Alister finally tells Julian that Chad is his son (Fox overhears this), Whitney learns she is pregnant (with her brothers baby), Teressa find out she is having twins, Liz tells TC Eve was driving the car that ruined his tennis career, and a temple falls on Luis (the guy is immortal so I doubt he's dead)... damn it's good.
Tommorow I'm going to the doctors for a check up, I haven't been there in many many years. The last time I went I was totally traumatized but getting a doctor in Toronto and anywhere really is super hard so you have to hold on to the one you have... which translates into check-ups for me *tear*... it probably won't be all that bad, plus I'm sure it'll be good to make sure I'm not dying hehehe...
Posted by *marla* at 11:06 p.m. |
Why oh why does one essay have to be worth so much? I think the university is trying to make us all fail so we'll have to take the courses multiple times and thus pay multiple times. I'm all finished writing it but honestly it's a big pile of you know what. I figure I have all day tomorrow to change stuff so I won't worry about it now.
I got the books I ordered from chapters on Thurday and was quite pleased. They arrived a lot faster then I thought they would so I'm very happy. Plus I was super surprised to see that the Japanese book I ordered was a lot bigger then I expected. Yay for getting your money's worth!! I also ordered A Wrinkle in Time, which no I did not read in elementary school. I've read the first two chapters so far and it seems pretty interesting. I'll have to read a bit more tonight.
I'm all finished work now, yay! Friday was my last day. The teacher I worked with bought us both McDonald's breakfast and we basically just sat around and talked until 10am. The day was really just set aside for the students to come in and pick up their report cards but hardly any showed up. That wasn't a surprise of course because they never even showed up on the Fridays they were required to come in. I didn't mind though cuz I got to go home early... and catch up on my philosophy reading... shoot me, please...
I've been watching some Mermaid Melody episodes raw since no groups are subbing it anymore *tear*. I've only got some random episodes but I'm still looking for more. It's been pretty interesting to say the least. I think I understand like 5% of what is being said but a picture's worth a thousand words so I get the gist of what is happening just by watching it. In episode 36 Luchia finds this baby (that really isn't a baby) and takes care of it for a bit. Here's a picture of the happy family, hehehe...

I download this show called Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar or as I watched it, Sugar la petite fee de la neige. Once I started to watch it I realized that it was subbed in French. Obviously that didn't make me happy but I watched it anyway and surprisingly enough understood most of it... I guess my french isn't that bad after all. Anyway, this show is really cute. Christina I think you'd like it. This girl finds a little fairy one day that only she can see for some reason. The fairy's name is Sugar and it's apparently a season fairy... I guess it takes care of winter but I'm a little fuzzy on this. Well, the fairy is really hungry so the girl feeds it a waffle and it follows her home. This fairy really likes to eat... Don't think I have much more to say about it for now. I'm gonna try to get some episodes with English subtitles.

Isn't Sugar cute?!? Yes she's the one with pink hair and wings, teehehe...
Why oh why does one essay have to be worth so much? I think the university is trying to make us all fail so we'll have to take the courses multiple times and thus pay multiple times. I'm all finished writing it but honestly it's a big pile of you know what. I figure I have all day tomorrow to change stuff so I won't worry about it now.
I got the books I ordered from chapters on Thurday and was quite pleased. They arrived a lot faster then I thought they would so I'm very happy. Plus I was super surprised to see that the Japanese book I ordered was a lot bigger then I expected. Yay for getting your money's worth!! I also ordered A Wrinkle in Time, which no I did not read in elementary school. I've read the first two chapters so far and it seems pretty interesting. I'll have to read a bit more tonight.
I'm all finished work now, yay! Friday was my last day. The teacher I worked with bought us both McDonald's breakfast and we basically just sat around and talked until 10am. The day was really just set aside for the students to come in and pick up their report cards but hardly any showed up. That wasn't a surprise of course because they never even showed up on the Fridays they were required to come in. I didn't mind though cuz I got to go home early... and catch up on my philosophy reading... shoot me, please...
I've been watching some Mermaid Melody episodes raw since no groups are subbing it anymore *tear*. I've only got some random episodes but I'm still looking for more. It's been pretty interesting to say the least. I think I understand like 5% of what is being said but a picture's worth a thousand words so I get the gist of what is happening just by watching it. In episode 36 Luchia finds this baby (that really isn't a baby) and takes care of it for a bit. Here's a picture of the happy family, hehehe...
I download this show called Tiny Snow Fairy Sugar or as I watched it, Sugar la petite fee de la neige. Once I started to watch it I realized that it was subbed in French. Obviously that didn't make me happy but I watched it anyway and surprisingly enough understood most of it... I guess my french isn't that bad after all. Anyway, this show is really cute. Christina I think you'd like it. This girl finds a little fairy one day that only she can see for some reason. The fairy's name is Sugar and it's apparently a season fairy... I guess it takes care of winter but I'm a little fuzzy on this. Well, the fairy is really hungry so the girl feeds it a waffle and it follows her home. This fairy really likes to eat... Don't think I have much more to say about it for now. I'm gonna try to get some episodes with English subtitles.
Isn't Sugar cute?!? Yes she's the one with pink hair and wings, teehehe...
Posted by *marla* at 9:39 p.m. |