Tuesday, December 27, 2005

OK so here is the promised December Ribon and Asuka (not that anyone cares hehe). I'm way behind on my reading so I really haven't looked inside these magazines yet. In any case, it's still nice to look at the pictures.

This months Ribon came with some really great furoku. I got a Love Berrish 2006 schedule book which is just about the cutest thing ever. Every page is colourful with cute designs... so I most definitely will not be using it. I also got an Animal Yokochou pen, tiny Chocomimi stickers and a Shinshi Doumei Cross fortune telling game.

I ordered Asuka mainly for Kyou Kara Maou because I absolutely love the original artwork. As luck would have it though, no chapter was run in this issue. I was super upset about this (as I'm sure everyone can imagine). Luckily it did come with a really nice Maruma clear file with Yuuri and Wolfram on the front and all the main characters in chibi form on the back. There was also a special section in the front that had to be cut open. Inside there was a bunch of stuff about Maruma that I couldn't read (no furigana.. poo poo on that) but it did have the nicest picture of Wolfram with no top on hehe. So all in all I definitely think it was worth the 10 dollars.

In the picture I also included an issue of animedia I picked up (can anyone guess why?). I've only skimmed though it so I can't say much about it. The best though was the furoku. One of the free gifts was a book with piano music and lyrics to tons of the new anime shows that came out this year. I was so suprised and happy when I saw it. I haven't tried out any of the songs yet but I was singing the lyrics to the aniyoko OP... I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this book.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Well, it turned out to be another great Christmas. Saturday night we went up to my Aunt's house for Christmas Eve dinner and presents. The dinner was fabulous as always and the tree was piled high with gifts. It litterally took hours to open them all and it certainly didn't help that the kids were so excited about every gift they opened. They wanted to open up and play with everything and if they didn't get to... well, let's just say there was a lot of screaming and crying. Of course you can't blame them though, they're only two and three years old and of course they would want to play. They were so cute all dressed up in their Christmas outfits. It was definitely an exciting night.

Sunday morning we opened up our stockings and gifts here and I must say, I got a lot of great stuff. This included nice new clothes (most definitely needed), the cutest apron in the world (thanks Lisa!), Hart to Hart season 1, some manga (yay... didn't think I'd get any), money (always good) and the final UFO Catcher plushie in the 3rd Card Captor Sakura plush series (oh how happy this made me). Here's a picture:

Christmas dinner was held here as usual but this year we had everything in the basement since our upstairs kitchen is still under renovation. Everything turned out pretty well in the end though. Everyone ate together in one room so it was kinda cozy. The food turned out really well and I think everyone had a good time. I on the other hand did not... well ok that's a bit of an exaggeration. I wasn't feeling all that well and I'm still not all that great. I think I have a bit of a cold (probably from all the running around I've been doing). I'm feeling a little better now but am still not 100%. Hopefully I'll be back to normal by tomorrow.

I still haven't put up the December issue of Ribon so expect that in the next day or two. I also ordered the December Asuka so I'll put that up as well.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Boy has this month been stressfull... and if I actually had a job, I think I would probably be keeling over right about now. It's been a month of non stop running around and money spending (money that I don't really have). Of course it's also been fun. Last week Janine, Lisa and I all went over to Christina's house and had a 10 hour day of gingerbread house making. It was a super long day but in the end our house came out better than expected. I'll post some pictures of it as soon as I get them. Then of course there was Christina's annual Christmas party which was fabulous as usual and the annual Rose Bouquet Christmas party and Kriss Kringle. This year it was held at Alta Rosa so the food was amazing.

This past Monday was my last day at St. Rose of Lima before the Christmas break. The students all had a little Kriss Kringle and I made them all gingerbread cookies, which I think went over quite well. School just ended yesterday so they don't go back until the second week of January.

Right now I'm just sitting around doing nothing (it's been the first day in many weeks that I haven't had to rush out to a mall). In a couple hours I'll be heading over to my Aunt's house for Christmas Eve dinner. It's usually a pretty big affair so it should be nice.